Printing numbers
;printing numbers from 0 to 9
; ascii 48 to 57 are 0 to 9
org 100h
mov cx,47;starting from ascii 47
add cx,1
call print; calling sub routing print, to print value of cx
cmp cx,57
jne loop
MOV AH,4CH ;terminating program
;printing characters
mov dx,cx
mov ah,2h
int 21h
org 100h
jmp start ;jumping to start label
;declearing two variables
num1 dw 2
num2 dw 2
start:;program starts here
mov ax,[num1];moving num1 to ax register
mov bx,[num2];moving num2 to ax register
cmp ax,bx;comparing
jne different;if not equal jump to label named different
mov dx , 'Y';print Y if key is found
jmp end
mov dx , 'N';print N if key is not found
; printing character Y or N
mov ah , 2h
int 21h
MOV AH,4CH ;terminating the program
If I assign num2 to be 3 than output will be as follows
Input and Output for Numbers and some commands
;This function shows how, to get number from keyboard
;It also shows how to print a number
;It also shows how to use mul and div instruction
;You can perform any computation with the input
;I am computing square of input here
data segment
ten dw 10
enter_number db 'Enter number =','$'
new_line db 13,10,'$';it will help us in moving to next line,same as '\n'
stack segment
dw 32 dup(0)
code segment
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
lea dx,enter_number;asking user to print number
mov ah, 9
int 21h
call get_num ;getting number from user
mov ax,bx
mul bx
push ax ;saving number on stack
lea dx,new_line ;moving to next line
mov ah, 9
int 21h
pop ax ;getting answer back from stack
call print
mov ax, 4ch ; terminating
int 21h
;This function will print any number present in ax
mov cx,0;cx keeps count of digits, it will be used while printing
break_number:;break_number stores each digit seperately in stack
add cx,1
xor dx,dx;same as mov dx,0
;any thing present in front of div is divided with the value
;of ax register and the answer is stored in ax while
;reminder goes in dx register
div ten
push dx;storing digits in stack seperately
cmp ax,0;indicates no more digit left to store in stack
jne break_number
show_number:;show_number pops all digits and prints them
pop ax
add ax,48 ;converting to ascii code for displaying.
mov ah, 0Eh
int 10h
sub cx,1
jnz show_number
;getting number and stores it in bx register
;get input from keyboard
INT 21h
cmp al,13 ;13 means enter
je input_complete ;if enter is pressed than input is complete
mov ah,0 ;clearing ah
sub al,30h ;getting actual value
push ax ;storing ax in stack
mov ax,bx
;any thing present in front of mul is multiplied with the value
;of ax register and the answer is stored in ax
mul ten
mov bx,ax
pop ax
;putting calculated value in bx, according to its position
; unit, decimal, hundred e.t.c
add bx,ax
jmp get_num
If we want to print String (byte type) of characters, then how we will do?